Welcome to St. James Church
St James Church invites you to join us for any of our services as we pray people of all backgrounds and ages will feel welcome and a sense of belonging when stepping through our doors.
We hope you will enjoy our lovely old church building which, on the outside, remains much as it was when it was built 180 years ago, but has been updated and lovingly decorated inside. But as much as we love our old church building, St James Church is more than that. It is a family of people who gather regularly to worship a loving God, and who devote their time and talents to the service of God and the people of Briercliffe.
With gratitude to God for his gracious love towards us, St James Church exists to rejoice in worship to God with our lips and our lives; to respond and bear witness to God's call to faith by words and actions; to welcome all with the open arms of Christ, reflecting his transforming love.
Being a Christian is not dull or boring but exciting, challenging and fun! Come and join us and see for yourself!!!
Our Vision Statement
Jesus calls us to follow in his footsteps to be a prayerful, worshipping church who welcomes all to know his gracious love.
Vision Prayer 2026
Heavenly Father, we embrace Your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses and to grow leaders and inspire children and young people. Give us the eyes to see Your vision, ears to hear the prompting of Your Spirit and courage to follow in the footsteps of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
A Prayer at this time
Father God, the rainbow you created is a sign of hope at this time of uncertainty. Like its colours we pray that we, in all shades of difference, may come together as one family of faith to love and support each other through these times of anxiety and distress. Stay by our side and bring us safely to the beginning of each new day. Amen.

Please continue to support Burnley Food Bank at this important time...
PLEASE NOTE: All food donations can now also be left at the SPAR if easier.
Food bank donation point:-
Burnley Community Kitchen Unit 83
Upper Market Square
Charter Walk Shopping Centre
Cash donations to
Jimi's JAM Club -
Sat 13th Nov at 3pm-4.30pm. -
Remembrance Service -
Sun 14th Nov at 9.30am.
Refreshments are available. -
Carol Service (Nine Lessons
and Carols) - Sun12th Dec at 6pm. Refreshments are available. -
- Thur 23rd Dec at 6.15pm. -
Christmas Eve Service
- Fri 24th Dec at 3pm. -
Midnight Mass
- Fri 24th Dec at 11.30pm. -
Christmas Day Service
- Sat 25th Dec at 10am.
Wednesday 9.30am
Said Holy Communion
Thursday 6.15pm
Family Service with Holy Communion
Sunday 9am
Said Holy Communion
Sunday 10.15am
Sung Eucharist